Resultology for SAP Insights

Has your SAP programme got MRSA?

Written by Ross Barnes-Moore | 16-Mar-2022 11:46:52

Your SAP programme isn’t stressful...

You’re just not eating enough fermented cabbage.

At least, that’s what the latest research into the world of your gut biome says.

The gut biome is the collective name for all the bacteria that live in your stomach, and it’s one of the most exciting and rapidly advancing areas of modern-medicine. It turns out your gut holds 10^14 microorganisms - which is 10 times more than the amount of your cells in your entire body.

In fact, the gut biome is so big scientists have labelled it a superorganism. You’re basically just a walking bag of bacteria.

What’s even more fascinating though is the effect your gut biome has on your overall health.

Thanks to something called “the gut-brain axis”, your gut biome has a huge impact on your wellbeing. And, I’m not just talking about a bit of stomach ache. Researchers have found links between the gut biome and a wealth of conditions including anxiety, depression and stress.

Fortunately, there are lots of easy ways to improve the health of your gut biome - one of the easiest being to eat probiotic foods like the German fermented cabbage delicacy; sauerkraut.

This new understanding of the gut biome is just one aspect of functional medicine, a new way of thinking which is changing how many people treat disease.

At this point let’s make it clear that lots of people aren’t convinced by functional medicine - and our Resultologists aren’t exactly GP’s - but there’s a growing level of support for this new approach to treating illness, even from within the traditional medical community.

Functional medicine has been used to treat conditions such as arthritis and mental health (anecdotally) with a great degree of success. But why now?

Historically, western medicine has always been great a treating trauma. Cuts, bruises and broken bones are something we’re pretty good at patching up. If I get in a car crash I want to be rushed to A&E, not the organic veg aisle of Waitrose.

Disease, particularly chronic disease, however, is something western medicine has always struggled to cope with.

Yes, doctors know how to deal with pain and symptoms but, as anyone who’s had a chronic medical problem knows, getting an answer as to why something is happening can be a real struggle.

It is this why question that functional medicine looks to answer, fixing the cause of disease instead of just treating the symptoms.

In an interview, Chris Kresser - a leading proponent of functional medicine - explains it like this:

“If we use an analogy, and you have a rock in your shoe, you could take ibuprofen, right, and that would help relieve the pain. You could also just take your shoe off and dump out the rock.

Conventional medicine is really prescribing ibuprofen for that proverbial rock in the shoe.

If you go to the doctor and you have high blood pressure, what’s going to happen? They’re going to give you a medication to lower your blood pressure.

If you have high cholesterol, what’s going to happen? They’re going to give you a medication to lower the cholesterol.

They’re not typically going to say, “Why is the blood pressure high in the first place? Why is the cholesterol high, and what can we do about that so that we can address this problem without unnecessary drugs?”.

But it’s not just when it comes to health that we should start asking why.

Why SAP contractors aren’t the answer.

It’s a great way to look at things - asking why.

It is something that benefits any scenario: illness, arguments, and not least your SAP programme.

Say for example you’re working on a project and it’s falling behind, what do you do?

Well, you could rush out and get an army of contractors to come in and pick up the slack. Yeah, it’s expensive - but it will get the job done.

But there’s a problem with this method - just like there’s a problem with the way we treat illness...

Earlier this year the UK had the honorable distinction of becoming the first country in the world with a recognised case of multi-drug-resistant Gonorrhea.

God save the Queen.

And how did we get into this state? Because for years we’ve been throwing pharmaceuticals at diseases that should have been treated in other ways like fixing diet and lifestyle factors.

Why? Because drugs provide quick (if short-term) results, mean we don’t have to do laborious testing to get to the route of problems, and there’s a booming industry ready to supply them.

Today, due to the overprescription of pharmaceuticals, many strains of bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistant - Gonorrhea, C Difficile and MRSA being some of the better-known examples.

And that’s a bit like what you’re doing with your SAP Programme.

Every time you give your programme the antibiotic shot in the arm of a few contractors, deep-seated problems go untreated, becoming bigger and stronger until eventually, your sickly SAP programme infects the rest of the business.

It might be easier, and there might be a massive industry dedicated to providing you with SAP contractors at the drop of a hat, but at the end of the day you’re not fixing the root of the problem.

So, next time you have a problem on your SAP programme - do something to get to the bottom of it.

Don’t fall back on contractors - you’ll just get MRSA.